Friday, June 30, 2006

Lionzden Reloaded

The second photo shoot for LIONZDEN happened this past Wednesday and went great.
The first one was a learning experience - everything that could have gone wrong did - and I take blame for that. But this photo shoot went extremely well - and I take credit for that.
I can’t wait to see the results, I get the negatives Friday afternoon.
All the models looked great and were on time. I had one model drive all the way from Portland, Oregon and three drove all the way from Kamloops, BC - for a non-paying gig. Talk about dedication.
Everybody seemed to have fun and unlike last time I was able to spend more time with MARK (photographer) and JAYNA (makeup artist) to get the look I wanted.
I'm just happy everybody involved had fun and that the shoot went the way I imagined it would - except I didn't hook up with any of the female models. Oh well, I can't have everything my way.

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